The digital landscape becomes increasingly cluttered with intrusive ads


emerges as your guardian, ensuring not only a serene but also a highly secure browsing environment

With TranquilScreen, you are in control of your online narrative

The app meticulously filters out distractions, creating a tranquil sanctuary where your focus remains undisturbed.
Unleash the full potential of your online presence, knowing that TranquilScreen stands as a vigilant guardian, protecting you from the ever-evolving threats of the digital landscape.

Say farewell to the incessant disruptions caused by unwanted advertisements, and embrace a browsing journey where your privacy is prioritized


Guard yourself from risks and distractions by choosing TranquilScreen

Choose TranquilScreen, and let security be the canvas upon which you paint your internet masterpiece. Simplify and enhance your life with our app!

All subscription plans come with a 3-day free trial, allowing you to ensure it aligns with your needs.

Explore subscription details for more information
Once you experience the benefits of TranquilScreen, a subscription becomes essential for continued peace of mind and tranquility—a small investment for the serenity it brings.
We have 3 flexible plans - weekly, monthly, annual subscriptions.
After your free trial concludes, your subscription will renew automatically.